Wednesday 7 January 2015

College Application Letter

I write bestselling novels while drinking a cup of tea. I ride dolphins across the sea in under a day. I go fishing on the moon. On Sunday’s I travel the world. On Monday’s I visit Greece. I was the youngest president of America and am the oldest man to ever live. When I’m bored I speak to animals. When I’m bored I swim across the Pacific Ocean. When I’m bored I pitch for the Yankees in the MLB. In the summer I found a cure to cancer. In the winter I raise polar bears on my yacht. I’m adored by friends. I write symphony’s in my sleep. I taught Jimi Hendrix how to play guitar. I wrote songs for the Beatles under an alias Lennon and McCartney. My hair is brown. On January first I created New Year’s. On February fourteenth I fell in love and called it Valentine’s Day. On March 17th I met leprechauns at the end of the rainbow. In my early age I was the writer of A Mid Summer’s Night. In my early age I played a Drum duo with Buddy Rich. In my early age I Arranged the Real Book of Jazz in ten minutes while still able to compose the rock opera Tommy for The Who. I was the first to walk on Mars, the first to make music, and the first to walk on air. I played Bass in replacement of Charles Mingus; I played tenor sax on Tenor Madness, and I played guitar on Wind Cries Mary. But I have not gone to college.

Dylan Knippelberg

Monday 5 January 2015

A Fearful Arrival

Quarter to ten, only fifteen minutes till the exam and only fifteen minutes till I join forces with failure. The brisk air trickles up my nose as I cross the door way entering the Gymnasium. The sight of a thousand worried souls gathering every last bit of preparation they have before we begin. I walk by their nervous faces as I make my way to my desk. My brain that is throbbing in sync with my heartbeat while I place myself in my long awaited seat, unprepared and not ready to begin. I stare into the deeply carved scars on my desk and run my hand through its smooth ripples. Frustration flares inside of me as I rethink my actions. If only I would have shown up to classes to learn and study, then maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation I am in right now. The bright florescent lights shine down over my head reflecting pictures on the newly waxed floor. Closer I become to uniting with this fateful test and only looking for a way out. Soon we will begin and in no time I’ll be cursed with this never ending agony that will haunt me for the rest of the day and the rest of my life. As the principal begins to make his way to the front I can slowly feel the stroke of heat from the ceiling lights steaming on my skin, bringing an atmosphere as hot as the sun. My adrenaline, pumping through my body as he hands me my test and wishing me luck before he passes on to the next student. I pick up the freshly sharpened pencil and begin to run it along the smooth surface of the paper. As I dive in to my test I rethink one more time the cause of my actions